Saturday, March 15, 2008


Push on agriculture can help ease
Food price

The price of daily essential goods have sky-rocketed, it is agonizing the poor people and the middle earning families. The crisis has reached intolerable heights. The economy is freaking and the hard working people are being tormented.

The current government of Fakruddin Ahmed failed to control the price bursts like the previous governments. However, the question which shocks many people is “why is there a food crisis in a country whose economy is agriculturally dominated?”

Fourth fifths of the population depend on farming and fishing which make up about one third of the economy1. The total agriculture contributes 34% to the GDP of the nation in second highest compared to service sector at 47%1. 63% of nation’s workforce is based on agriculture1, and as the population is rising the demand for agriculture is inevitable.

Keeping the data in mind, it is evident that serious thought has to be given to the agriculture industry. New initiatives to restore and enhance the industry are vital. The time is dreadful that we wait for rice from India which has almost rotten due to unconvincing negotiation by India. We depend on imports fertilizer for cultivation and the prices of that too gone up. However the scenario may go far worst if not dealt in time.

The government should set forth some planning for the industry before it succumbs. The initiatives can include the rules:

1. To use all arable lands to produce necessary food
2. Develop new technologies to enhance agriculture
3. Provide interest free loans to the farmers to expand

The problems emerging in price hikes are not definitely subjected to ease in a very short time, but proper implementation of rules and guidelines can heal the worsen wound. Moreover, a training to be scrupulous businessman can be given to all business people around the country.

Bangladesh Country Profile By The Economist

1 comment:

briguy100 said...

What new technologies are you thinking off? GM foods? Do yu think that's wise?