Monday, March 31, 2008



The dead of Manna The Bangladeshi Film actor, seem to send a shockwave to the film industry in Bangladesh. Its been around two months he succumbed due to a dead heart attack at cities so called elite Hospital "UNITED HOSPITAL". Most of his fans, relatives, friends and well wishers blame the death on the negligence of the hospital "KORMOKORTA" (staff). And has raised debate on the hospitals reputation and reliability.

"S.M. Aslam, 44, better known by his nickname Manna, suffered a massive heart attack late Saturday at his residence. He died at a hospital in the capital Dhaka on Sunday, his agent Kunta, who uses one name, said.

Manna won the hearts of millions of Bangladeshis by playing the hero fighting against corruption in around 200 films since making his screen debut in 1985.One of his directors, Siddiq Jamal Nantu, said Manna had at least 15 unfinished films in the works before he died.

Bangladesh's film industry is based in Dhaka and produces around 100 low-budget films per year at an average cost of 6.5 million taka (US$100,000). " -
"The movie industry in Bangladesh is shocked at the sudden demise of the leading actors of Dhaliwood. Manna died of a heart attack at the United Hospital in Dhaka Sunday.

Manna entered the profession after he was discovered through a national talent search programme initiated by the state-owned Film Development Corporation in 1984.

After acting in a number of commercial hits, Manna became a producer and in his films he cast popular actors who had left the industry as a protest against vulgarity.

"He had made remarkable contribution to the ongoing movement against 'vulgarity' in the Dhaliwood film industry," the newspaper noted.

Manna had some 20 films in the pipeline and the future of those films plunged into uncertainty following the death of the popular star.

Manna was also the general secretary of Bangladesh Film Actors Association." -

It is a dire consequence film industry might face due to his death, but again we know all things will ran as good as they can be, however everyone will miss him around the industry and people will cry esp. the fans, who stood up police fight just to see his dead body.

However the blame game on United Hospital is a heated debate and we need to look forward to see what really happens ahead.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


All about her!

She was all alone in her early twenties. Two sons, yet very young to understand what their mother is going through. It was not that, her husband succumbed, rather he was very busy making money, which he ultimately lost in the near future.
Presumably, she never liked her husband, because he indefinitely blackmailed her to marry, and why shouldn’t he be doing so, when she is so beautiful, and tried to listen to her parents, but couldn’t resist the infatuation which led to a lifelong relation.

She was a runaway bride। Her parents didn’t accept her, and her father declared her to rot। Was it fair with her? The story should explain or the reader should guess—because every coin has two sides, and I believe the one which is mine is right-it is fair! May be, may be not, but ironically this is how our society and life has been scrawled into.

Every woman, dreams of a family of her own, and the in-laws she will be going, will be cozy and warm, rather not chunked with people to criticize and abuse her. The day she stepped in her in-laws, she had new relations, hot and cool, however, her lover’s love was now distained. Because the hero, her husband has received the boon of his life, the woman he dreamed was now only his.

She had a kind loving mother-in-law, who is a friend of her mother, but in very short time she expired in an arson, which left the house crumbling, but, soon after sometime her father-in-law married the maid of that house whom he was dating long before his wife was alive. Now when the maid, became the step-mother-in-law, it became difficult for her.

Her agony was unfathomable. May be many women in our society had to go through such or similar proximities in life but many accepted the norms and have a tendency to carry on, and every woman has a distinguished reason for that-I believe. And her reason was her children.
Yes, deep inside her, she did not hate him, but also didn’t like him. She had patience having worry for her children—it came to the situation, that her father who once left her, offered her to come back with her child and she’ll arrange to have her marry someone good.

But she wasn’t an opportunist, she was a mother. She later felt good, slight good about the despaired relationship and God blessed her with more children, she found herself busy with them, and making their life possible unlike hers.

She would blankly look through the window, and ponder on the odds of her life and the possibilities. Her parents would have married her to a wealthy man. She would think dissolve in solitude.
Her husband never cared for her when she was pregnant. She had no friends, but she was strong.
She had a neighbor, who was a runaway wife, she was close with her, and she left because she couldn’t bear her husband, and settled in America with another man. She had a girl and a boy, may be she thought of them, but she couldn’t help herself.
Her neighbor did something she thought she would do, when her husband often started beating her for things—her husband was good at breaking household things as good as he was breaking her bones.
Well, my question is why did she remain silent?Now, she is still there, but she has her own house. Her husband changed. He is good now. She is yet not attracted towards him, but she enjoys her family life—it’s her family now.
The kids grew, they all chose their tracks, she encourages them to good but never subdued them, her only daughter got married to a responsible man—even though they fight, and she mitigates things as a mother would always do.
She says to her children, “you are free”. May be because she knows the importance of being free, she lived and still is living a confined life, may be of her choice, may be not!
likewise, life goes on until death subdues the soul.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Push on agriculture can help ease
Food price

The price of daily essential goods have sky-rocketed, it is agonizing the poor people and the middle earning families. The crisis has reached intolerable heights. The economy is freaking and the hard working people are being tormented.

The current government of Fakruddin Ahmed failed to control the price bursts like the previous governments. However, the question which shocks many people is “why is there a food crisis in a country whose economy is agriculturally dominated?”

Fourth fifths of the population depend on farming and fishing which make up about one third of the economy1. The total agriculture contributes 34% to the GDP of the nation in second highest compared to service sector at 47%1. 63% of nation’s workforce is based on agriculture1, and as the population is rising the demand for agriculture is inevitable.

Keeping the data in mind, it is evident that serious thought has to be given to the agriculture industry. New initiatives to restore and enhance the industry are vital. The time is dreadful that we wait for rice from India which has almost rotten due to unconvincing negotiation by India. We depend on imports fertilizer for cultivation and the prices of that too gone up. However the scenario may go far worst if not dealt in time.

The government should set forth some planning for the industry before it succumbs. The initiatives can include the rules:

1. To use all arable lands to produce necessary food
2. Develop new technologies to enhance agriculture
3. Provide interest free loans to the farmers to expand

The problems emerging in price hikes are not definitely subjected to ease in a very short time, but proper implementation of rules and guidelines can heal the worsen wound. Moreover, a training to be scrupulous businessman can be given to all business people around the country.

Bangladesh Country Profile By The Economist